PTCL Vfone Biometric Verification and Ownership Change Process

In spite of the fact that PTCL every now and then declare vfone conclusion yet the thing is that they are not giving new associations. Old association will in any case stay dynamic unless they give physical lines to every last client. Until then you need to partake in PTCL Vfone biometric confirmation process which is exceptionally basic and notice beneath. Before going to PTCL One Stop Shop you require couple of things like Nadra ID card number, Mobile number and MDN number of your Vfone set. In the event that you can't discover One Stop Shop close you than you can likewise visit Ufone Service Center, Ufone Franchise or Ufone/PTCL retailer close you.
PTCL Vfone Ownership Change Process

Keeping in mind the end goal to continue you need the Photocopy of the past proprietor and your unique Nadra ID card else you have to confront the long and convoluted procedure of PTCL. You will likewise require MDN which is your telephone number with zone code and any versatile number(for accepting check sms). Essentially visit any PTCL establishment and let them know that you need to change the responsibility for.

PTCL Vfone Biometric Verification

Most importantly ensure that Vfone set is on your name and if not than you have to first change it's possession by essentially doing the strides notice above. Presently the telephone set is on your name straightforward visit the PTCL OSS and give them your ID card number, versatile number and MDN which is(area code + telephone number). Put your thumb in the thumb scanner machine and you are ready.
